Bon Jovi
Show or Bootleg Title:
New York, NY, USA 12-12-2012
Show Venue:
The Concert for Sandy Relief - Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA 12-12-2012
DVD - Pro Shot
Video Quality/Production Info:
Video: A, Audio: A
Audio/Video Specs:
Video attributes:
Video compression mode: MPEG-2 (DxVA off)
TV system: 525/60 (NTSC)
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Display mode: Both Pan&scan and Letterbox
Source picture resolution: 720x480 (525/60)
Frame rate: 30.00
Source picture letterboxed: Not letterboxed
Bitrate: 8.46Mbps
Audio attributes:
Audio coding mode: Dolby Digital
Sampling rate: 48kHz
Audio application mode: Not Specified
Number of audio channels:5.1
Bitrate: 384 Kbps
Number of audio streams: 1
Trade DVD =>Decrypt dvd at hard drive => you
chapters :no
Menu :No
-Jon talks
-it's my live
-Dead or alive
-jon talks
-who say's you can go home ( with Bruce springsteen)
-Livin on a prayer

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