martedì 31 dicembre 2024

Queensryche - 1988-12-31 - Seattle, WA (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

Seattle Arena
Seattle, WA

01 - Queen of the reich
02 - Surgical strike
03 - the whisper
04 - Walk in the shadows
05 - Chemical youth
07 - I remember now
08 - Anarchy-x
09 - Revolution calling
10 - Operation mindcrime
11 - Spreading the disease
12 - The mission
13 - The needle lies
14 - Electric requiem
15 - Breaking the silence
17 - Eyes of a stranger
18 - The lady wore black
19 - Nightrider
20 - Take hold of the flame

Very good FM recording. The first song suffers of bad equalization between instruments, but it becomes better after few minutes.

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