martedì 31 dicembre 2024

The Band - 1983-12-31 - San Francisco, CA (SBD/FLAC)

(Soundboard FLAC)

San Francisco Civic Auditorium

Very Low Gen Sbd Cassette>Sony WMD6-Cw/ DolbyB on>SonyPCM-M10@24/44.1M10>AudigySE>Sound Forge>CDWave>TLH

Tape from the collection of Dr. Bob Marks
Transferred and Mastered by Russ Cansler

Levon Helm : Drums, Vocals
Rick Danko : Bass, Vocals
Garth Hudson : Organ, Horns, Accordian
Richard Manuel : Keyboards, Vocals
Earl Cate : Guitars
Ernie Cate : Keyboards
Ron Eoff : Bass
Terry Cagle : Drums

01 - Intro by Bill Graham
02 - Feedback>Tuning
03 - Tuning
04 - Rag Mama Rag
05 - Long Black Veil
06 - The Shape I'm In
07 - It Makes No Difference
08 - Milk Cow Boogie
09 - Mystery Train
10 - King Harvest
11 - Stage Fright
12 - W S Waldcott Medicine Show
13 - You Don't Know Me
14 - Caledonia
15 - Chest Fever
16 - Java Blues
17 - Willie and the Hand Jive
18 - Bill Graham

notes: Omit track 2 for one disc burn

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