martedì 31 dicembre 2024

MTV Big Bang - 1988-12-31 - Los Angeles/New York (DVDfull pro-shot)

(DVDfull pro-shot)

Show or Bootleg Title:
MTV Big Bang '89 - 88.12.31

Show Venue:
Los Angeles / New York

DVD - Pro Shot

Video Quality/Production Info:
Quality : A (VOR Productions)

Audio/Video Specs:
Audio - Dolby Digital, 2 channels, 256 kbit/s
Video - 704 x 480, MPEG-2, 4.6 mbits/s


Set List/Chapters:
01) Winger w/Sandra Bernhardt - Alone
02) Robert Plant - Tall Cool One
03) Winger - Madelaine
04) Winger - Seventeen
05) Sam Kinison - Stand-Up Routine
06) Vixen - Edge Of A Broken Heart
07) Vixen - Crying
08) Robert Plant - Ship Of Fools
09) Robert Plant - Heaven Knows
10) Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
11) All-Star Jam - Wild Thing

Menu: Yes
Chapter: Yes
Artwork: Yes

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