martedì 31 dicembre 2024

Santana - 1976-12-31 - Daly City, CA (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

Santana - December 31, 1976
Cow Palace - Daly City, CA

Recording Info:
FM -> Master Reel (Tandberg TD20a SE) -> 10 Inch - 1/4 Track Reel

Transfer Info:
Master Reel (Tandberg TD20a SE) -> Sony SBM-1 -> CD (Tascam CD-RW700)

Mastering Info:
CD -> Samplitude Professional v11.2.1 -> FLAC
(1 Disc Audio / 1 Disc FLAC)

Recorded By Jay Ashley
Transferred By Charlie Miller and Jay Ashley
Mastered By Charlie Miller
July 5, 2016

-- Reel transfer done in 2000
-- There are level issues mostlly in the first track
-- Track marks may be off a little (I did my best)

01 - Carnaval
02 - Let The Children Play
03 - Jugando
04 - Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen
05 - Dance Sister Dance
06 - Revelations
07 - Oye Como Va
08 - Maria Caracoles
09 - Savor
10 - Toussaint L'Overture
11 - Let Me
12 - Europa
13 - Band Intros
14 - Soul Sacrifice
15 - Let The Music Set You Free

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