sabato 22 marzo 2025

Rush - 1994-03-22 - Auburn Hills, MI (2xDVDfull pro-shot)

(2xDVDfull pro-shot)

A View From the Palace - DVD

Media: 2 DVD
Catalog: AppleJack Studios AJ-D940322-01
Source: Video - Proshot VHS (low gen)
Audio - Remastered "Critical Mass" SBD (Rush-Signals Productions)
Quality: EX / EX+
Date: 03-22-1994
Location: The Palace Of Auburn Hills - Auburn Hills, MI

Video Source: Unknown - ProShot
Audio Source: Remastered "Critical Mass" SBD (Rush-Signals Productions)
Source: 2nd Gen VHS > ? Transfer > ? Author > DVD
Authored by: AppleJack Studios
Video Attributes: MPEG2, 720x480, NTSC, 4:3, 7569 kb/s
Audio Attributes LPCM
Disc One Total Time: 61:25
Disc Two Total Time: 62:52

01 - Dreamline
02 - The Spirit of Radio
03 - The Analog Kid
04 - Cold Fire
05 - Time Stand Still
06 - Nobody's Hero
07 - Roll the Bones
08 - Animate
09 - Stick It Out
10 - Double Agent
11 - Limelight

01 - Mystic Rhythms
02 - Closer to the Heart
03 - Show Don't Tell
04 - Leave That Thing Alone
05 - The Rhythm Method
06 - The Trees
07 - Xanadu
08 - Hemispheres: Prelude
09 - Tom Sawyer
10 - Force Ten
11 - YYZ

Producer Notes:
It's been a few years since the original VCD production of this title, and the 10th anniversary of this excellent concert it seems like a fitting time for this DVD release. There have been a few DVD-Rs of this show circulating in trading circles, even one borrowing the original VCD title, but this is the "official" AppleJack Studios produced version of the title.

And, although the title is the same and artwork is similarly updated from the VCD release, this is in actuality an all-new production. A different low-gen VHS copy of the in-house feed from the arena was used as the video source, generously contributed from the collection of "Gandalf". The video quality is superb, the colors are rich and full, the detail crisp, and only on a handful of occasions is the slightest hint that the video isn't a master copy. This picture looks as good on a big screen as it does on a small one, and if you have ever seen a video bootleg on big screen television, you understand what a compliment this is.

The audio is also excellent. Once again, it was sourced from the "Critical Mass" bootleg, but for this release it was nicely remastered by Rush-Signals productions and has a new fullness and bass presence that was somewhat lacking in the original bootleg audio. Collectors of other versions of this show will recall that there are 40-odd seconds missing from YYZ on the video feed; for this release, the audio was retained intact and a short slide show of stills is presented during this portion of the concert.

Thanks and credits go to Gandalf for donating the video source, to leegeddy for facilitating the donation, to Dave at Rush-Signals Productions for the fine audio remastering, and to Duley for another stellar job on the DVD cover and menu artwork. Please trade this production freely, it was made by fans for fans, and is never to be bought or sold.

1 commento:

  1. I'd love to see a flac version of this Remastered "Critical Mass" SBD. Any chance you can post the the audio version of this show? Thanks.
