domenica 23 marzo 2025

Curtis Mayfield - 1990-03-23 - Bremen, DE (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

Curtis Mayfield, 1990-03-23 (23 March 1990), Bremen, Germany, Modernes, FM

FM > tape > CD-R > EAC > WAV (WaveLab Lite) > flac8 (TLH)

Curtis Mayfield - guitar, vocals
Frank "Buzz" Amato - keyboards
Randy Brown - bass
Lee Goodness - drums
Louis Stefanell - percussion

01 (presenter)
02 Superfly
03 It's Alright
04 Gypsy Woman
05 Freddie's Dead
06 Pusherman
07 We've Gotta Have Peace
08 People Get Ready
09 Give Me Your Love
10 (presenter)
11 When Seasons Change (fades out)

TRT: 49:34 min (including the presenter's comments)

- Flaws I have noticed:
skip at 3m32s690ms in track 3
skip at 4m15s450ms in track 6
I tried to correct the skips (microsecond gaps) to make them less annoying, but I have also included the UNCORRECTED files for anyone who would like to improve this for themselves.

- Apparently this has not been widely circulated until now. It’s not in the dime bot list, and I haven’t found it anywhere when searching on the web. So maybe it’s a welcome addition for Curtis Mayfield fans out there...

- The trader I received this from recorded this either to reel-to-reel tape or to cassette tape, and if I remember correctly he told me that he applied some careful noise reduction before he burned it to CD-R.

- This particular show was broadcast in 1990 by Bavarian radio which sometimes used to transmit recordings taken over from other German radio stations (so possibly it was also broadcast by Radio Bremen or another German radio station).

- I left in the presenter’s comments at the beginning and before the last track because he explicitly states the date and venue (in German...). "Modernes" is the name of the venue, it still exists today.

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