(Audience FLAC)
The Police
Austin, TX
Frank Erwin Center
22 Mar 1982
Sometimes mislabeled as "Special Events Center".
Time: 20:00
Support act:
Length: 90'
Source: Mono Audience
Quality: 8
Origin: Matteo Foa'
Lineage: Audience>?>1x C90 cassette(?)
Conversion: Cass(?)>Nakamichi Dragon>CD-RW700>coax>M-Audio FireWire 410>coolpro>cdwav>FLAC (level 8 w/ verify)
The CD-RW700 is used only for the A/D conversion and is a pass-through.
There is no DAE in the lineage/conversion
Conversion by: Carlo Bolchini 1/May/2005
Size: 901 MB
Compressed: 585 MB
CD1 (tape side A) 43:51:
01) Voices inside my head [fades in]
02) Message in a bottle
03) Don't stand so close to me
04) Spirits in the material world
05) Hungry for you (Jaurais toujour fam de toi)
06) When the world is running down ....
07) The bed's too big without you
08) De do do do de da da da
09) Demolition man
10) Shadows in the rain
CD2 (tape side B) 45:26:
01) Walking on the moon [fades in]
02) Bring on the night
03) One world (not three)
04) Invisible sun
05) Roxanne
06) Don't stand so close to me
07) Can't stand losing you / Reggatta de blanc / Be my girl
08) So lonely [cut]
Nice average recording, with average hiss from a very old tape. There is some flanging effect on side B of the tape (disc 2), possibly due to the tape age. Stewart and Sting aren't too much synchronized at the start of Can't stand..
thanks for all these police shows edge, much appreciated