Taper for both sources: Alzeppelin
Audience Source:
Location: 40 feet from stage right PA stack Lower Level
Source: Coresound CSB High-end Binaural mics -> M-Audio Microtrack II 24bit/48hz
Transfer: M-Audio Microtrack II -> USB -> Cooledit Pro (normalizing and track splits) ->
FLAC Level 8
Robert Deleo's earfeed:
Source: Sennheiser receiver box (stereo) -> M-Audio Microtrack II 16bit/44hz
Transfer: M-Audio Microtrack II -> USB -> Cooledit Pro (normalizing and track splits) ->
FLAC Level 8
Notes: Matrix made by Silver Stallion Productions using Sony Vegas.
01 - Vasoline
02 - Crackerman
03 - Wicked Garden
04 - Hollywood Bitch
05 - Between the Lines
06 - Hickory Dichotomy
07 - Big Empty
08 - Sour Girl
09 - Creep Intro
10 - Creep
11 - Country Jam
12 - Plush
01 - Queen teases
02 - Interstate Love Song
03 - Bagman
04 - Huckleberry Crumble
05 - Jam
06 - Sex Type Thing
07 - Dead and Bloated
08 - Lounge Fly
09 - Piece of Pie
10 - Trippin' On a Hole In a Paper Heart
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