giovedì 13 marzo 2025

Bill Nelson - 1979-03-13 - Sheffield, UK (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

City Hall

lineage (as far as I can guess): FM broadcast -> cass ->M? -> CDR -> dbPoweramp -> FLAC (Med)

I know nothing about the lrecording equipment used.

01 - Don't Touch Me (Iím Electric)
02 - Furniture Music
03 - Stop Go Stop
04 - The Atom Age
05 - Possession
06 - Substitute Flesh
07 - A Better Home in the Phantom Zone
08 - Radar in My Heart
09 - Art/Empire/Industry
10 - Revolt Into Style
11 - Stay Young

From the November 8, 1998 Bill Nelson Internet Chat, direct from Bill:
"I have a bootleg CD of Red Noise live which someone else has been selling illegally. I plan to release it as a proper live official release with some nice graphics and sleeve notes and I'll clean up and remaster the recording to make it as high quality as possible. The secret is to bootleg the bootleggers, but do it better."

If you've never heard this before your head may explode! This is a stellar (although incomplete) performance from Bill's Red Noise. Tape hiss is evident but takes nothing away from your listening pleasure!

4 commenti:

  1. Many thanks for the Bill Nelson shows from this period, and especially this one featuring the short lived Bill Nelson's Red Noise - their only album is one of my favourites so it's great to have this companion live show in flac. A shame that the opportunity was missed to include it as a bonus CD with the latest rerelease of the Sound on Sound album.

  2. "and I'll clean up and remaster the recording"

    And this is exactly why we like the bootlegs better. The raw soundboard sound, not some super tinny overdigitized 'Remastered' version. I always prefer the raw sound of boots to 'Studio' Live albums. I can't listen to offical-live releases, they use too much 'Stereo Enhancer' to and master any of the energy and feeling out of it...


  3. one of a kind...Bill Nelson's Red Noise!!

  4. Is it just me or is there no download link? :/
