martedì 11 marzo 2025

Led Zeppelin - 1975-03-11 - Long Beach, CA (AUD/SBD/FLAC) "The Beachcombers"

(Audience + Soundboard FLAC)

"The Beachcombers"

Remastered Audience + Soundboard Recordings, (A Group/Personal Project)

"Californication", (EVSD), Silvers > EAC > WAV > Flac > TLH, Decode > WAV > Remaster > Flac (Level.8, Align On SBE'S) (All Tracks Tested With TLH, No Errors Occured)

Label: N/A
Original Tapers: Soundboard: N/A
Audience: Mike "The Mike" Millard


01) Introduction * + (Fades In)
02) Rock And Roll +
03) Sick Again + (Suffers From Some Brief Equipment Issues)
04) Over The Hills And Far Away +
05) In My Time Of Dying +
06) The Song Remains The Same +
07) The Rain Song +
08) Kashmir + (Fades Out)

01) No Quarter + (Fades In, Suffers From Some Brief Equipment Issues)
02) Trampled Underfoot +
03) Moby Dick + (Fades Out)

01) Dazed And Confused + (Fades In, Includes: "Woodstock")
02) Stairway To Heaven +
03) Whole Lotta Love + (Includes: "The Crunge")
04) Black Dog + (Fades Out)

*: Audience Recording
+: Soundboard Recording
* +: Combination Of Both Tape Sources

This particular release is a fan made remaster of the soundboard recording of the bands performance on March, 11th, 1975.
This is a Group/Personal Project by "Those Guys That Do This To Fill The Deep Yawning Void In Our Failed And Useless Lives", The 7th Son, Joel, Porgie, Mark, Mike, Grendel, and Acapulco Gold.
We hope that everyone who picks this up will enjoy it, and will pass it along, and share with others, or just pass, the choice is yours.
This is not meant to be a "Definitive" edition.

Cheers and thanks go out:
- The taper of the soundboard (Unknown), and the taper of the audience recording (Mike, R.I.P), thank you both for taping and sharing with everyone in the community.
- To the original uploader of the soundboard recording, thank you very much for sharing your silvers, I apologize for forgetting your name, it is not intentional.
- My mate Porgie for listening to the samples of the project, proofing the final project, helping me with the tape speed issues, and for giving me great notes. Always a pleasure working with you mate, I wish you a speedy recovery.
- My mate Mark for taking time out of his day to put together some excellent artwork for the project, most appreciated mate.
- My mate Mike for going on all the coffee runs.

Dedicated to:
Mike "The Mike" Millard...who shared so much with us, and left us too soon, Bruno Gerussi, (who I hope is cleaning up the driftwood that washes up on the shores of heaven), and Snoop...who always represents "The LBC".

Original Notes:
The 1st of a 2 night stint at the Long Beach Arena, another legendary Zeppelin performance of the 1975 tour, mostly due to Mike's audience recording, if Mike had never shared his recording, we would only have the other (much poorer tape source) to have as a guide, and would probably never know how good this show was.

Some collectors argue about which night was a better performance, some say that the 2nd night in Long Beach was better due to the fact that the 1st night was plagued with equipment problems (as Plant would say "Some Buzzing around the keyboard section), and the band missed their marks a couple times during the night's performance (i.e: Plant stumbles with the lyrics of a few songs like "Rock And Roll", and "Sick Again") , but I personally find both shows to be enjoyable, with one not being any better than the other.

Plant makes a very strange comment during the performance, before the band goes into "Kashmir" he says to the audience "This is for the benefit of anyone making a bootleg", the reason why I found this strange is because it almost seems like they know that the show was being taped this night.

The band obviously knew that their shows were bootlegged, and they've made comments about bootleggers before.

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