giovedì 20 marzo 2025

Genesis - 1972-03-20 - Brussels, BE (DVDfull pro-shot)

(DVDfull pro-shot)

Popshop '72 (EFDVDG01)

Source: Pro-Shot TV
Quality: A+
Media 1DVD5
Standard PAL Format 4:3

More info here

01 - The Fountain Of Salmacis
02 - Twilight Alehouse
03 - The Musical Box
04 - The Return Of The Giant Hogweed

Bonus Footage:
Interview / Stagnation (Piper Club, Rome, Italy - 18-Apr-72)
Interview And Footage (Torino, Italy - 03-Feb-74)

"The best video quality I ever seen for this show. The audio is IMHO too much hissy respect the quality of the video. I think that now there are the instruments to cut down the noise without introducing artifact in the sound. Anyway A+"

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