giovedì 20 marzo 2025

The Chameleons - 1987-03-20 - Los Angeles, CA (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)

Variety Arts Center Theatre

Audience Master REcording by bcingyou

Recorded from center of pit, 10 feet from stage

Sony TCD5+ECM990-F>Maxell XLIIC90 cassette>Sony TCD5 playback(same unit that mothered recording)>M-Audio MicrotrackII>WAV 44.1/16>CD Wave Editor track split>Traders Little Helper>FLAC level 8

01 intro by KROQ-FM dj Dusty Street
02 Swamp Thing
03 A Person Isn't Safe Anywhere These Days
04 Monkeyland
05 Pleasure And Pain
06 UK Ltd. (Singing Rule Britannia)
07 In Shreds
08 Less Than Human
09 Paradiso/
10 Home Is Where The Heart Is
11 Soul In Isolation
12 Second Skin
13 Caution

total time 70:58

Even though the band did no encore this night I still feel this show is one of their best as far as performance and ntensity. You can hear when I get hassled by security during Swamp Thing when I get asked to move back.

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