(Studio FLAC)
Pink Floyd - 1970-03-00 - The Lost Zabriskie Point Album : 370 ROMAN YARDS
and/or Pink Floyd - EXTENDED 370 ROMAN YARDS
This is The Complete Collection of all the known material recorded by Pink Floyd during the Sessions for the Zabriskie Point Soundtrack now released by MQR
What we at MQR present here is a modular opera set in three stages
The core of all this are clearly the eight songs of The Lost Album - 370 Roman Yards,
the great find of all the research, which is the closest thing possible to the album that would have been released by
MGM-PF in 1970 if they had been sole musicians on the soundtrack of the film
The Lost Album was extended with the 8 Main Outtakes, a-la Rhino Rekords release, forming the CD One of the Collection
The CD Two is mainly made by all the Other Outtakes and the Film Versions
The order of the songs of the different blocks follow about the order of the movie scored totally with music by PF
The mixes on this Collection are either the mixes made by PF for release or as close as we could make using the material available
We have restored and enhanced everything using the best technology and skills available to us
The quality of these tracks varies due to the sources used, but we have done our best to make it all sound as good as possible
A Total Zabriskie Point of View - The Complete Collection
CD One (79:21)
The Lost Album - 370 Roman Yards (40:10)
01. Heart Beat, Pig Meat (3:10)
02. Country Song (4:40)
03. Fingal’s Cave (1:54)
04. Crumbling Land (5:55)
05. Alan’s Blues (5:44)
06. Oenone (6:51)
07. Rain in the Country (6:53)
08. Come In Number 51, Your Time Is Up (5:02)
The Extension - The Main Outtakes
09. The Violent Sequence (6:23)
10. Take Off (version II) (1:11)
11. Country Song Theme (band) (2:12)
12. Country Song Theme (acoustic) (1:18)
13. Love Scene 1 (organ & guitar) (6:37)
14. Love Scene 3 (band) (7:51)
15. Love Scene 4 (piano & vibes) (6:55)
16. Love Scene 5 (double vibes) (6:44)
CD Two (76:55)
Other Outtakes
01. Country Song (full mix) (5:57)
02. The Violent Sequence (Us and Them Rick's demo) (5:39)
03. Take Off (Version II) and Crumbling Land (film version) (1:50)
04. Crumbling Land (full mix) (5:13)
05. Love Scene 6 (The Blues) (7:26)
06. Love Scene 6 (The Blues - full mix) (7:27)
07. Love Scene 2 (Oenone - full mix) (6:56)
08. Love Scene 4 (piano only) (6:45)
09. Rain in the Country (Unknown Song - alternate version) (6:00)
10. Rain in the Country (Unknown Song - full mix) (7:00)
A Special Outtake
11. The Christmas Song (2:05)
Official Soundtrack Version
12. Crumbling Land (soundtrack Edited version) (4:13)
Film Versions
13. Heart Beat, Pig Meat (film version) (2:49)
14. Crumbling Land (film version) (0:44)
15. Come In Number 51, Your Time Is Up (film version) (5:06)
16. Come In Number 51, Your Time Is Up (movie Trailer version) (1:40)
Notes by the uploader/trader:
This Complete Collection is the natural product of years and years of passionate research applied to the Zabriskie Point topic. Over the years many theories have been presented, and we all know a good researcher has to prove his theories whenever possible. In recent years my dedication has yielded the deserved prizes. I had the luck to get from Glenn Povey what I call simply The Document, part of the ZP recording sheets of EMI studios. I was also able to make contact with Don Hall, the Music Adviser of the movie. I'm honored to say that this contact became a real friendship. With my great satisfaction almost all my theories, even the most incredible, were confirmed
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