(Soundboard FLAC)
10/31/91 - Paramount Theatre, Seattle WA
01 - Jesus Doesn’t Want Me For A Sunbeam
02 - Aneurysm
03 - Drain You
04 - School
05 - Floyd The Barber
06 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
07 - About A Girl
08 - Polly
09 - Breed
10 - Sliver
11 - Love Buzz
12 - Lithium
13 - Been A Son
14 - Negative Creep
15 - On A Plain
16 - Blew
17 - Rape Me
18 - Territorial Pissings
19 - Endless, Nameless
This was Nirvana's "homecoming" Seattle show after the intital touring behind "Nevermind". They had just begun to break big and were the talk of the town in Seattle. Wisely, Geffen decided to film and multi-track the complete concert. The audio was recorded and mixed by Andy Wallace, the brains behind the final mix of "Nevermind". A few tracks appeared on CD singles and radio promos, and some of the video footage made it the Nirvana movie, but the complete show was an exclusive bootleg item until the 20th Anniversary edition of "Nevermind". However, the powers-that-be decided to totally remix the audio, and the resulting mix is very bare-bones, and nowhere near as good as Andy Wallace's original mix, which is featured here from a Geffen internal promo cassette. The show is 100% complete and even includes much of the pre and post-show ambience.
11/25/91 - Paradiso, Amsterdam NL
01 - Drain You
02 - Aneurysm
03 - School
04 - Floyd The Barber
05 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
06 - About A Girl
07 - Polly
08 - Lithium
09 - Sliver
10 - Breed
11 - Come As You Are
12 - Been A Son
13 - Negative Creep
14 - On A Plain
15 - Blew
16 - Love Buzz
17 - Territorial Pissings
Now touring Europe, Nirvana's Amsterdam show was recorded by VPRO. Kurt is in a foul mood so this show has a lot more "attitude" than the Seattle show a few weeks previous. It appears that the audio mix was done "on the fly" and not multi-tracked as evidenced by all available versions which have various mixing problems during the first song "Drain You". Some material from this show turned up in the Nirvana movie and even on the live album, but the complete show is still a bootleg-only item. Until very recently, much of the show was available from a radio broadcast but there was missing material that could only be found from a mono video source. Thankfully, a new video has surfaced that features the complete, uncompressed stereo soundtrack starting at the beginning of "Drain You", and that is the source used here. The happenings before "Drain You" have been re-constructed from two sources that are only slightly lesser quality than the rest of the show. Finally, the show can be heard 100% complete and in stereo. Includes the legendary out-of-tune performance of "Come As You Are".
12/28/91 - Pat O'Brien Pavilion, Del Mar CA
01 - Drain You
02 - Aneurysm
03 - School
04 - Floyd The Barber
05 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
06 - About A Girl
07 - Polly
08 - Sliver
09 - Breed
10 - Come As You Are
11 - Lithium
12 - Territorial Pissings
Back in the States, Nirvana were on a triple-bill tour with Pearl Jam and The Red Hot Chili Peppers, playing relatively short sets. For one reason or another, the show in Del Mar was chosen to be recorded for a Westwood One radio broadcast. Wisely, Andy Wallace was hired again, and he did a fine job capturing and mixing this excellent performance. The version featured here is a patchwork of various sources. Most of the show is available in perfect digital quality on various Westwood One promo CD's. However, they have made life difficult for the completist by adding fake crowd noise between many songs and throughout the first half of "Smells Like Teen Spirit". They also took the liberty of censoring the word "shit" from "Aneurysm". Thankfully, and much like the Seattle show, there is an internal Geffen promo cassette available to collectors. It sounds amazingly similar to the digital source, but has various dropouts and flaws. After some slight tweaks, it was used here for all the between-song crowd noise and for "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Now the show is 100% complete, free of dropouts that plague the promo cassette and the fake crowd noise that ruins parts of the digital promos. All of the source switches are seamless and undetectable. Some songs not yet featured on this set have been added to the end of this disc to fill up space. Most of them are soundboard quality and sound better than ever.
Baba O' Riley (12-7-91 Rennes)
Stain (11-25-90 Seattle)
Verse Chorus Verse (11-25-90 Seattle)
Pennyroyal Tea (8-27-91 Bremen)
In Bloom (2-1-92 Melbourne)
Talk To Me (11-17-91 Mezzago)
Molly's Lips (1-10-92 NYC)
Beeswax (10-30-92 Buenos Aires)
Spank Thru (10-30-92 Buenos Aires)
Scoff (6-26-92 Roskilde)
Something In The Way (6-26-92 Roskilde)
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RispondiEliminaA little history. I saw them the night before at the Warfield right up to the stage, no security back then - If anyone has that show, I would love to hear it, again.
RispondiEliminaI had got my tickets 3 mos. before and they were so unknown; (in 1989 I wanted to name my band 'Nirvana' (after the Cult song) so that was the first I had ever heard them. I couldn't get anyone interested enough to go with me. (of course they all were sad later) I was 17. I stayed up until 3am to see the 'Teen Spirit' video. Of course in the inbetween time that song was hitting big and some people came with me to the show and no one could get in. The police had to shut off Market St. for a couple blocks because there was such a big crowd outside filling the street. All these yuppies were yelling they would give me $100's for my ticket. No Thx. It was sweet I got to walk by all the commotion like a celebrity. I think it was the last real 'Punk Rock' show ever. There was nothing but us young kids there, and the crowd was awesome, I couldn't figure out why Kurt wouldn't look at anyone. But he had obviously gotten some good dope that night. Played an sick version of 'Rape Me' that was almost scary, and sounded nothing like the later released version. Great Memories...
That would be the 10-31-91 Warfield show. I didn't bother to see L7 thanks. But I know there is a soundboard of L7 from that night, so perhaps there is a soundboard of 'Nirvana'.
RispondiEliminaThey played at the Warfield on October 26, on the 31st they were at the Paramount. BTW there are 3 different audio sources of that show. Let me know if you want them.
EliminaI want the Warfield show.... thanks..
Eliminalinks dead... :(
RispondiEliminaThank You!
RispondiEliminaLink stay on bro in rapidgator😁