lunedì 10 maggio 2021

Miles Davis - 1983-05-29 - Tokyo, JP (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

Miles Davis Septet
May 29, 1983 (b)
Yomuri Land Open Theatre
Tokyo, Japan

FM radio broadcast, 62:55, A
Source: Nippon Broadcasting Corporation FM stereo rebroadcast, 1991
Lineage: fm > dat > hdd > edits > flac(lvl8)

Miles Davis (tpt, synth)
Bill Evans (ss, ts, fl, el-p)
John Scofield, Mike Stern (g)
Tom Barney (el-b)
Al Foster (d)
Mino Cinelu (pc)

01 Band warming up (1:03)
02 Come Get (It 4:16)
03 New Blues [Star People] (12:18)
04 Speak / That's What Happened (8:39)
05 It Gets Better (6:08)
06 Hopscotch (7:56)
07 Star on Cicely (10:07)

08 Jean-Pierre (12:24)

Plaz Notes:
This is the same broadcast source as used for the MegaDisc, Four Beat Sounds and Legendary Collectors' Series bootleg releases and may be the same recording. The differences are mainly in file splitting, but the LCS version has been compressed. I prefer this version as it was recorded continuously on long-playing digital audio tape (DAT) and has no cuts as exhibited in all of the bootlegs.

Post edits by plaz:
- balanced: right channel -0.30 dB, plus local adjustments
- repaired clicks, pops and static
- gain normalized and retracked
- pitch checked by flambay

domenica 9 maggio 2021



For everyone who has problems or doesn't know how to unpack z01, z02, files, follow this simple procedure: install the latest version of winzip or winrar, open only the zip files (ignore z01, z02 etc...), select the content and extract somewhere. That's all.

sabato 8 maggio 2021

The Clash - Compilation Volume Two (DVDfull pro-shot)

(DVDfull pro-shot)

01 - Joe and Paul Interview 1984
02 - Studio "Know Yor Rights" mixing session 1982
03 - Astbury Park Footage 1982
04 - Spanish Bombs
05 - This Is Radio Clash
06 - Garageland
07 - Armagideon Time
08 - Somebody Got Murdered
09 - Straight To Hell
10 - Should I Stay Or Should I Go
11 - I Fought The Law

giovedì 6 maggio 2021

Journey - Charge Of The Light Brigade (STU/FLAC)

(Studio FLAC)

Zipperdeke ZIP-015

Silver cd > EAC > FLAC > WAV > CDR > EAC (secure) > WAV > TLH > FLAC (L8)

01 - Mystery Mountain [studio mix - unfinished]
02 - In The Morning Day [studio mix - no vocals]
03 - Charge Of The Light Brigade a.k.a. Alive Again [fusion w/ killer Neal Solos]
04 - Still Lovers
05 - To Make Some Music [studio mix - no vocals]
06 - In My Lonely Feeling/Conversations [studio mix - no vocals]
07 - Angels From Heaven
08 - Can You Hear Me
09 - Kohoutek [studio mix - differs from released version]
10 - Out Of Control [Schon lights it up]
11 - To Make Some Music [no vocals - alt. version]
12 - See The Light
13 - Charge Of The Light Brigade a.k.a. Alive Again [alt. version - faster tempo]
14 - Your Little Girl
15 - Voodoo Chile
16 - Tonight

Lineup on tracks 01 to 13:
Neal Schon - Guitar
Ross Valory - Bass
Gregg Rolie - Vocals, Keyboards
George Tickner - Guitar
Prairie Prince - Drums

Lineup on track 14 to 16:
Pete Sears - Bass
Neil Schon - Guitar
Greg Errico - Drums
Gregg Rolie - Keyboards

The unfinished album by the original pre-Steve Perry Journey. 13 tracks from the fusion tinged rockers plus 3 live tracks from pre-Journey fusion band Sears Schon Errico. If you love great guitar work you want this CD. If you do not like Journey you will like this. There are two songs with vocals.

The first thirteen tracks are all studio recordings and other than some hiss and slight distortion in louder places, are probably an 8.5-9 on a sound quality scale of 1 to 10.
The last three tracks are live recordings from the Sunshine Festival at the Diamond Head Crater, Honolulu, HI 1/1/73. In the liner notes to the 3rd Santana album from 1971, Rolie says when he and Neal quit the band (after the 4th album), he opened up a restaurant for a year before hooking up with Schon to form Journey. The 1st Journey album's songs are copyrighted 1974 and the album was released in '75, so it's logical Neal was doing something musically during the year or so between the two bands. All three of these tracks are instrumentals and it sounds like a decent audience recording. This outfit is sometimes refered to as Birthday or Happy Birthday. Herbie Herbert interviews tell that when him and Carlos Santana split during Christmas in '72 he grabbed Neal and Gregg and took them to a gig 5 days later in Hawaii on New Years Day in '73 (the three tracks here) and in March of '73 drew up the paperwork on a band yet un-named that would become Journey.

From Pete Sears' Facebook site:
"...of a band I formed with Neal Schon (Santana, later Journey), Greg Errico (Sly & the Family Stone). We had no singer and were basically a power rock trio, although Greg Rolie sat in on a couple of tunes on B3 and sang “Black Magic Woman” was a fun band and went down well. The crowd went nuts...but we couldn’t find a singer that fit what we were trying to do. We played several shows on the mainland before going our different ways."