(DVDfull aud-shot) Symphony Hall Media: DVD, Aud, A- Artwork-No Menus/Chapters: No/Chapters DVD TV System: NTSC, 4:3
1.Conan O’Brien Show. November 14, 1995 Dinosaur
San Diego, CA. June 28, 1995 01.Circular Improv 02.VROOM 03.Frame By Frame 04.Dinosaur 05.One Time 06.Red 07.B'BOOM 08.THRAK 09.Matte Kudasai 10.VROOM VROOM 11.Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream 12.People 13.Improv (Two Bass Sticks) 14.Elephant Talk 15.Indiscipline 16.Talking Drum 17.Lark's Tongue In Aspic 18.Walking On Air From my personal trade collection. I actually had this on a VHS tape and it’s worth having. It still holds up very nice and enjoyable. The information below is to the best of my knowledge.