martedì 1 agosto 2023

Counting Crows - 1997-08-01 - Columbia, MD (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

Counting Crows 1-aug-1997
Merriweather Post Pavilion Columbia, Maryland
taper: dathead2
FM Broadcast (direct to DAT)

01 - Introduction
02 - Angels Of The Silences
03 - Have You Seen Me Lately?
04 - Rain King
05 - Goodnight Elisabeth
06 - Children In Bloom
07 - Anna Begins
08 - Mercury
09 - Mr. Jones
10 - Omaha
11 - Raining In Baltimore
12 - Recovering The Satellites
[happy birthday to adam]
13 - Daylight Fading
14 - I'M Not Sleeping
15 - A Murder Of One
[encore break/99.1 'hfs backstage]
16 - Round Here
17 - A Long December
18 - Walkaways
[aftershow/99.1 hfs backstage]

rate=44.1kHz source=sbd(fm) time=01:36 quality=9

note=WHFS 99.1 FM broadcast > DAT > DAT
note=48k aiff to 44k wav via sox

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