giovedì 5 settembre 2024

The Doomed - 1978-09-05 - London, UK (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)

The Doomed (The Damned with Lemmy)

Electric Ballroom, Camden, London, U.k.

Aud Cass (Low Gen) > CD > PC > WAV > FLAC

Sourced from 'Les Punks' cd, but no label details available

01 - Jet Boy Jet Girl (Elton Motello)
02 - Stretcher Case
03 - Anti-Pope
04 - Second Time Around
05 - Problem Child
06 - Silver Machine (Hawkwind)
07 - Burglar
08 - Looking at You (MC5) > Neat Neat Neat
09 - Help (The Beatles)
10 - Marching Men (Rich Kids)
11 - Stab Your Back
12 - City Kids (Pink Fairies)
13 - New Rose
14 - I Feel Alright (The Stooges)
15 - Neat Neat Neat

This was acquired from Punk Torrents, where it was upped by Johnny Cotton - All thanks for that, as this is a very welcome upgrade for my old tape version - a lossless one at that - & a chance to give this a much deserved wider audience... This appears to have been taken from a cd called 'Les Punks', but I could find no label details for it at all - I've left the original artwork in the folder, even though it is misdated (this was definitely recorded on the 5th September 1978) & the Tracklisting is slightly incorrect. I've verified the losslessness via Audacity & EAC with no issues, & I suspect the cd has been extracted with EAC, thought there were no lineage details in the original package. No sbe's were found at all. The tracks were labelled 01, 02, etc, so they've been renamed. 'Looking At You > Neat Neat Neat' has been left as one track, because the segue they used is a slightly hesitant one, where the 'Neat' riff is played as a nudge first before they go into it properly. The cd title is an interesting one, as 'Les Punks' was originally the chosen monicker of this particular line-up of The Damned with Lemmy. For some/no particular reason, they then became billed as 'The Doomed' - & as far as I'm aware this is the only gig where Lemmy played, with Captain Sensible switching to rhythm guitar to avoid the (allegedly) litigious Brian James who happened to have trademarked The Damned name. The show itself is very entertaining, as a Damned with Lemmy show could only be - & the recording itself is good for '78, With a degree of hiss but still very listenable indeed. All things considered, you could call this a(nother) little slice of history, as this really was a one-off gig - never to be repeated...Essentially, if you're a Motorhead or a Damned fan, you know what goodness is contained herein & if you don't already have this, you need it...

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