domenica 7 luglio 2024

Danzig - 1989-07-07 - Hollywood, CA (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

Hollywood, California
July 7, 1989

Rating: A/A- (FM) 

CD-R -> Easy Rip CD Ripper -> .wav -> Trader's Little Helper -> FLAC 

01. DJ comments 
02. Intro
03. Her Black Wings (tease)
04. Am I Demon?
05. Twist of Cain
06. Mother
07. Soul on Fire
08. She Rides
09. All Hell Breaks Loose
10. London Dungeon
11. John Christ noodling
12. End of Time
13. 777
14. Mother of Mercy
15. To Walk the Night
16. Horror Biz
17. The Hunter
18. Evil Thing
19. Not of This World
20. When Death Had No Name
21. T-R-O-U-B-L-E

I do believe this is the full show sourced right from the radio broadcast, not the abridged version that goes around on some vinyl and CD presses.

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