domenica 7 luglio 2024

Nine Inch Nails - 2006-07-07 - Irvine, CA (IEM/AUD/FLAC)


Source A: Trent's IEM

Source B: CSB > CSB Batt Box No Rolloff > SONY MZ-RH910 (PCM)
Location: FOS Orch 3 Row S
Transfer: SONY MZ-RH910 > Sony Sound Forge 8.0 (0db Normalization & Minor EQ & Tracks) > FLAC.

Matrix lineage: flac -> Audacity -> .wav -> .flac 8

This is a 50/50 matrix of these 2 sources.

I used Audacity to mix the sets, balance the levels and some editing (gaps/skips in the IEM are filled in with source B).

trent reznor

aaron north
josh freeze
alessandro cortini
jeordie white


01. Somewhat Damaged
02. You Know What You Are?
03. Terrible Lie
04. March of the Pigs
05. Something I Can Never Have
06. Closer
07. Burn
08. Gave Up
09. Help Me I'm in Hell
10. Non-Entity
11. Even Deeper
12. Only
13. Wish

01. La Mer
02. Into the Void
03. The Big Come Down
04. Suck
05. Down in It
06. Hurt
07. Trent Talks
08. Final Solution w/Peter Murphy
09. The Hand that Feeds
10. Head Like a Hole

2 commenti:

  1. Me and my lady at the time saw them the next night on LSD.

    That's right children L-S-D

    The opening Bauhaus act was torture and I swear it went on for 100 years...

    I called Trent 'a f-ing pansy' during 'hurt' so, because at the Cow Poly show, there were tons of COPS INSIDE THE PLACE busting people, including yours truly, for a tiny chunk of hash. And even though I had my LEGAL 215 paperwork with me they took me to JAIL! And I was tripping on MESCALINE! at a F-ING NIN CONCERT! if anyone has the Shorline recording. That's ME!

    F*** the PIGS!

  2. Thank you Edge. Great show. Who was that crazy person in the above comment? Sounds like they've got issues...
