lunedì 16 settembre 2024

Talking Heads - 1978-09-16 - San Francisco, CA (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

Source/lineage (in red):

"KSAN reels 633A, 633B, 633C"

"Reel playback: Revox A-77(15ips)> Panasonic SV-250 DAT (internal A/D)
Playback Panasonic 3800>Apple G4 (Peak edition, sample rate conversion)>Xact prep>upload from files" - Please note that I have corrected some spelling in this quote. Consequently, it's not a "real" quote.

reel #1
01. Big Country
02. Warning Sign
03. The Book I Read
04. Stay Hungry
05. Artists Only
06. Girls

reel #2
07. The Good Thing
08. Love > Buildings On Fire
09. Electricity
10. Found A Job
11. New Feeling > Pulled Up
12. Psycho Killer

reel #3
13. Take Me To the River
14. I'm Not In Love

2nd Encore
15. No Compassion (not included)

The Boarding House
Here's a really fabulous "FM" recording of Talking Heads from September 16, 1978. I don't have much information about this recording. Perhaps another Planet Rocker does. Anyone? You will notice that the original uploader notes that this comes from KSAN reels. My guess is, based on the original text file, that this was recorded directly from the reels rather than being an FM broadcast recording, but I'm only guessing. That's why I've marked this as "Pre-FM," even though, I think, that's not technically correct.

Funny story. I'd been living WAY out in rural SW Washington state. How far out? Far enough that I'd been heating and cooking with wood for nearly a decade! So, shortly after moving to Seattle my friend LouAnn asked me if I'd like to go see a movie. "What movie?" I asked. She said "Stop Making Sense." I told her I'd never heard of it. She said it was a concert film by a band called Talking Heads. Yikes! I told her that I really didn't think so as there was "simply no way in hell I'd like a band with a name like that!" (Yes, I was that dim! Some would say I still am…) She said SHE'D pay because she thought I'd really like both the band and the movie. A woman taking ME to a movie? Hell yes I went! Bottom line: I could not believe how great they were! Lou left after one showing. Me? I stayed to watch it again! Took a bus home. I probably would have stayed for a third showing if there would have been one!

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